# Layout of this conf file: # 1. Global Settings # 2. Plugins # 3. Keybinds # 4. Theme # For rapid change prototyping, disabled normally: # bind-key r source-file ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf \; display-message "config reloaded." ###################### ### 1. GLOBAL SETTINGS ###################### # show that activity happens but don't display a huge 'activity happening' notification setw -g monitor-activity on set -g visual-activity off # Start counting windows and panes at 1 set -g base-index 1 setw -g pane-base-index 1 set -g renumber-windows on # Terminal improvements set-window-option -g automatic-rename on set-option -g set-titles on set -g mouse on # allow truecolor support set -g default-terminal 'xterm-256color' set -ga terminal-overrides ',xterm-256color:Tc' set -g status-keys vi set-window-option -g mode-keys vi set -g history-limit 10000 # Screen size is based on the smallest client looking at the current windows, not the smallest # client connected to the overall session. If two clients are connected to the same session but not # looking at the same window, why would they care about each others screen size? setw -g aggressive-resize on # No delay for escape key press set -sg escape-time 0 # to enable autoread option in neovim set-option -g focus-events on #################### ## 2. PLUGINS ## #################### set -g @tpm_plugins ' \ tmux-plugins/tpm \ tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible \ christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator \ Morantron/tmux-fingers \ ' set -g @fingers-key F # make sure tpm is installed if-shell "test ! -d $TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH/tpm" \ "run 'git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm $TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH/tpm && $TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH/tpm/bin/install_plugins'" \ # optinally add this to install plugins on each start -- adds small lag to startup # "run-shell $TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH/tpm/bin/install_plugins" ##################### ## 3. KEYBINDINGS ## ##################### # Unbind some defaults unbind '"' unbind % # Custom modifier key set -g prefix C-a unbind-key C-b bind-key -r C-a send-prefix # Window Navigation - Prefix + Vim Keys bind-key -r C-h select-window -t :- bind-key -r C-l select-window -t :+ # Resize Panes bind-key -r H resize-pane -L 3 bind-key -r J resize-pane -D 1 bind-key -r K resize-pane -U 1 bind-key -r L resize-pane -R 3 bind-key -r C-H resize-pane -L 10 bind-key -r C-J resize-pane -D 5 bind-key -r C-K resize-pane -U 5 bind-key -r C-L resize-pane -R 10 # Send Pane to a new window (but stay on current window), join it back into the current window bind-key B break-pane -d bind-key C-b command-prompt -p "join pane from: " "join-pane -h -s '%%'" # Swap panes within the current window (swaps pane # entered with currently selected pane) bind-key b display-panes\; command-prompt -p "pane #: " "swap-pane -t '%%'" # Kill tabs quicker bind-key x kill-pane bind-key C-x kill-window # Split Window into panes - automatically handled by plugin bind-key '\' split-window -h -c '#{pane_current_path}' bind-key '-' split-window -v -c '#{pane_current_path}' # Open a sessions chooser bind C-s split-window -v "tmux list-sessions | sed -E 's/:.*$//' | grep -v \"^$(tmux display-message -p '#S')\$\" | fzf --reverse | xargs tmux switch-client -t" # Make visual selections act a little more like vim bind-key -T copy-mode-vi v send -X begin-selection bind-key -T copy-mode-vi V send -X select-line bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel 'wl-copy' \; send -X rectangle-off bind-key -T copy-mode-vi 'C-v' send -X begin-selection \; send -X rectangle-on ##################### ## 4. THEME ## ##################### # Status update interval set -g status-interval 1 # Clock mode set -g clock-mode-colour colour24 set -g clock-mode-style 24 # This tmux statusbar config was created by tmuxline.vim # on Wed, 13 Mar 2019 set -g message-command-style bg="#2e2e2e",fg="#c8c8c8" set -g message-style bg="#2e2e2e",fg="#c8c8c8" set -g pane-active-border-style fg="#2e2e2e" set -g pane-border-style fg="#2e2e2e" set -g status-justify "centre" set -g status "on" set -g status-style "none" set -g status-style "none" set -g status-left-length "100" set -g status-right-length "100" setw -g window-status-style fg="#c8c8c8",bg="#2e2e2e","none" setw -g window-status-activity-style bg="#2e2e2e",fg="#c8c8c8","underscore" setw -g window-status-separator "" set -g status-left "#[fg=#c8c8c8,bg=#2e2e2e] #S #[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#c8c8c8,bg=#2e2e2e] #I:#P #[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#c8c8c8,bg=#2e2e2e] #[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]" set -g status-right "#[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics] #[fg=#c8c8c8,bg=#2e2e2e] #{?client_prefix,#[fg=colour232]#[bg=brightblue],} #(whoami) #[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#c8c8c8,bg=#2e2e2e] %d-%b-%y #[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#c8c8c8,bg=#2e2e2e] #H " setw -g window-status-format "#[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[default] #I #W #[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]" setw -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#c8c8c8,bg=#2e2e2e]  #I #W #[fg=#2e2e2e,bg=#2e2e2e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]" ######################## ## 5. Nested Sessions ## ######################## # from: https://github.com/samoshkin/tmux-config/blob/master/tmux/tmux.conf # all credit to samoshkin # Session is considered to be remote when we ssh into host if-shell 'test -n "$SSH_CLIENT"' \ 'source-file $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/tmux.remote.conf' # We want to have single prefix key "C-a", usable both for local and remote session # we don't want to "C-a" + "a" approach either # Idea is to turn off all key bindings and prefix handling on local session, # so that all keystrokes are passed to inner/remote session # see: toggle on/off all keybindings · Issue #237 · tmux/tmux - https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/237 # Also, change some visual styles when window keys are off bind -T root F12 \ set prefix None \;\ set key-table off \;\ set status-style fg="colour245",bg="colour238" \;\ set window-status-current-format "#[fg=$color_window_off_status_bg,bg=$color_window_off_status_current_bg]$separator_powerline_right#[default] #I:#W# #[fg=$color_window_off_status_current_bg,bg=$color_window_off_status_bg]$separator_powerline_right#[default]" \;\ set window-status-current-style fg="colour232",bg="colour254","bold" \;\ if -F '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -X cancel' \;\ refresh-client -S \;\ bind -T off F12 \ set -u prefix \;\ set -u key-table \;\ set -u status-style \;\ set -u window-status-current-style \;\ set -u window-status-current-format \;\ refresh-client -S run -b "$TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH/tpm/tpm"