# enables git management through dotfiles command
alias dotfiles='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/marty/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=/home/marty'
alias df=dotfiles

## Make git assume the readme is not changing (essentially ignore it).
# This means you can safely remove the README.md file from your home dir
# without git trying to delete it from the repository.
# If you WANT to make changes to the README.md, you will have to make git 
# watch it again with the commented out command
# Read more: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4308610/how-to-ignore-certain-files-in-git
# and: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/653454/how-do-you-make-git-ignore-files-without-using-gitignore
#dotfiles update-index --no-assume-unchanged README.md

dotfiles update-index --assume-unchanged README.md