## mostly cobbled together from: ## https://github.com/Tsubajashi/mpv-settings/blob/master/mpv.conf ## https://github.com/haasn/gentoo-conf/blob/d3fd304fd7d8d816de6e280daf626b1b49a69893/home/nand/.mpv/config ## with much gratitude #### player settings # do not open in fullscreen, do not create border fullscreen=no # if playing the last file in e.g. a playlist, simply pause after finishing keep-open=yes # allow remote operation through ipc, see https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#json-ipc input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv-socket # display a little seek bar in term term-osd-bar=yes # colorful term output msg-color=yes # add module names to term output msg-module=yes ### screenshots screenshot-directory=~/pictures/screenshots # filename_HH-MM-SS screenshot-template="screen_%F_%wH-%wM-%wS" screenshot-format=png # default compression rate (0 is no compression) screenshot-png-compression=7 screenshot-tag-colorspace=yes ### OSD # 2 options necessary for uosc, see https://github.com/darsain/uosc osc=no osd-bar=no osd-font='Iosevka Mono' osd-font-size=48 ### Subtitles ## options and compatibility # vsfilter backward compatibility sub-ass-vsfilter-blur-compat=yes sub-ass-scale-with-window=no # custom ass style params sub-ass-force-style=Kerning=yes # fuzzy-search available subs in folder sub-auto=fuzzy # search for external subs in these relative subdirectories sub-file-paths-append=ass:srt:sub:subs:subtitles # make sure when seeking through mkv we try to display subs demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll=yes # use fonts embedded in the container if available embeddedfonts=yes # don't meddle with subtitle timing by default sub-fix-timing=no # do not blend subtitles, so that we can display them beyond the video borders blend-subtitles=no ## look and style sub-ass-override=scale sub-scale=0.5 sub-font="Liberation Sans" sub-font-size=70 # put them a bit above seekbar -- not necessary imo # sub-margin-y=50 sub-color="#FFFFFFFF" sub-border-color="#FF151515" sub-border-size=6 sub-shadow-offset=1 sub-shadow-color="#33000000" sub-spacing=0.5 ### Audio volume=80 volume-max=150 # find audio files even if slightly mismatched audio-file-auto=fuzzy # playing at different speed will pitch-correct audio-pitch-correction=yes # no audio popping on seek audio-stream-silence # lets mpv calc latency instead of PA; disable if errors on network playback or similar pulse-latency-hacks=yes ### Video profile=opengl-hq opengl-early-flush=auto opengl-pbo=no # brigheen video slightly to account for daylight displaying gamma-factor=1.1 # ever so slightly up saturation saturation=12 # interpolation options, will take some more cpu interpolation=yes video-sync=display-resample ### Cache # use cache if it seems like a networked connection cache=auto ### youtube-dl setup ytdl=yes # never go beyond 1080p if it is avoidable ytdl-format=(bestvideo[vcodec=vp9.2][height<=1080]/bestvideo[vcodec=vp9][fps>30][height<=1080]/bestvideo[vcodec=vp9][height<=1080]/bestvideo[fps>30][height<=1080]/bestvideo[height>720])+(bestaudio[acodec=opus]/bestaudio)/best ### Languages # prefer english subtitles, use german if you have to alang=en,eng,de,deu,ger # prefer original language, use dub if necessary slang=ja,jp,jpn,en,eng,de,deu,ger ### Protocol configuration [network] # don't wait for buffering to be complete to show the window force-window=immediate cache=yes # create a huge cache to buffer most of videos demuxer-max-bytes=3000MiB demuxer-readahead-secs=500 [protocol.http] profile=network [protocol.https] profile=network [protocol.ytdl] profile=network [extension.gif] interpolation=no loop-file=yes # for those yt playlists that are created in reverse order [reverse] ytdl-raw-options=playlist-reverse= [lowquality] scale=bilinear cscale=ewa_lanczossharp interpolation=no video-sync=audio [highquality] scale=ewa_lanczossharp cscale=ewa_lanczossharp video-sync=display-resample interpolation=yes tscale=oversample # default to hq profile=highquality