#!/usr/bin/env python # papis-short-help: Manually rebuild cache for all libraries # # This tiny script updates all libraries by rebuilding their caches. # Useful to invoke after manual edits in one of your library folders # if you have many 'sub-libraries' (one library location with sub- # directories). # You don't have to think about which library you changed stuff in # and just get everything updated. Might take a little time but # should generally be a quick process (). import papis.api from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() _ = parser.add_argument( "--all", "-a", help="reload all libraries not just current", action="store_true" ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.all: libs = papis.api.get_libraries() else: libs = [papis.api.get_lib_name()] for lib in libs: papis.api.clear_lib_cache(lib) _ = papis.api.get_all_documents_in_lib()