[settings] default-library = main formater = bbt local-config-file = .papis.config opentool = sioyek picktool = papis-tui mark-opener-format = sioyek --page {mark[value]} file-browser = vifm # edit info.yaml as new papers are added add-edit = True # ref-format = {doc[author_list][0][family]}{doc[year]} ref-format = bbt add-folder-name = {doc[author_list][0][family]}-{doc[title]} add-file-name = {doc[author_list][0][family]}{doc[year]} header-format-file = ~/.config/papis/headerformat extra-bibtex-keys = ["tags", "readstatus", "priority"] database-backend = whoosh whoosh-schema-fields = ["doi", "ref", "author", "year", "title", "publisher", "tags", "readstatus", "date", "isbn", "type", "keyword", "qualityassured", "priority"] # to make whoosh list everything by default default-query-string = * notes-name = notes.md notes-template = {doc[author_list][0][family]}{doc[year]}--{doc[title]} [tui] editmore = vi [main] dir = ~/documents/library # My personal reading [personal] dir = ~/documents/library/personal # Sustainable supply chain logistics, especially procurement [litrev-rahman] dir = ~/documents/library/litrev-rahman # Addressing Inequalities in World of Work research [ilo] dir = ~/documents/library/ilo-wow # fediverse-related academia, from # https://www.zotero.org/groups/5490166/fediverse_research [fedi] dir = ~/documents/library/fediverse # General computer science reading [cs] dir = ~/documents/library/cs # Electrical engineering reading [ee] dir = ~/documents/library/ee # All my university programme readings [emgs] dir = ~/documents/library/emgs # General research reading [academia] dir = ~/documents/library/academia [plugins.extract] tags = {"red": "important", "green": "extra", "blue": "toread"} [plugins.bbt-formatter] full-year = True title-words = 2 title-chars = 20