local Button = require('uosc_shared/elements/Button') ---@alias CycleState {value: any; icon: string; active?: boolean} ---@alias CycleButtonProps {prop: string; states: CycleState[]; anchor_id?: string; tooltip?: string} ---@class CycleButton : Button local CycleButton = class(Button) ---@param id string ---@param props CycleButtonProps function CycleButton:new(id, props) return Class.new(self, id, props) --[[@as CycleButton]] end ---@param id string ---@param props CycleButtonProps function CycleButton:init(id, props) local is_state_prop = itable_index_of({'shuffle'}, props.prop) self.prop = props.prop self.states = props.states Button.init(self, id, props) self.icon = self.states[1].icon self.active = self.states[1].active self.current_state_index = 1 self.on_click = function() local new_state = self.states[self.current_state_index + 1] or self.states[1] local new_value = new_state.value if self.owner then mp.commandv('script-message-to', self.owner, 'set', self.prop, new_value) elseif is_state_prop then if itable_index_of({'yes', 'no'}, new_value) then new_value = new_value == 'yes' end set_state(self.prop, new_value) else mp.set_property(self.prop, new_value) end end self.handle_change = function(name, value) if is_state_prop and type(value) == 'boolean' then value = value and 'yes' or 'no' end local index = itable_find(self.states, function(state) return state.value == value end) self.current_state_index = index or 1 self.icon = self.states[self.current_state_index].icon self.active = self.states[self.current_state_index].active request_render() end local prop_parts = split(self.prop, '@') if #prop_parts == 2 then -- External prop with a script owner self.prop, self.owner = prop_parts[1], prop_parts[2] self['on_external_prop_' .. self.prop] = function(_, value) self.handle_change(self.prop, value) end self.handle_change(self.prop, external[self.prop]) elseif is_state_prop then -- uosc's state props self['on_prop_' .. self.prop] = function(self, value) self.handle_change(self.prop, value) end self.handle_change(self.prop, state[self.prop]) else mp.observe_property(self.prop, 'string', self.handle_change) end end function CycleButton:destroy() Button.destroy(self) mp.unobserve_property(self.handle_change) end return CycleButton