diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0d254dc..61e6e61 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # `~/🌹` +Note that the below screenshots still show the X configuration from [v0.1](https://gitlab.com/marty-oehme/dotfiles/-/tags/v0.1). +The current dotfiles are geared toward wayland for which the setup looks similar but not identical to the previews below. + ## What's in these dotfiles * [x] vim configuration for simple programming tasks (especially go/typescript/python/bash) and prose @@ -41,16 +44,16 @@ Enjoy! ![Overview - an older image of the dotfile desktop with gaps, showing git logs, styler logs, duckduckgo in a browser, and a vifm view of the dotfiles themselves](https://gitlab.com/marty-oehme/dotfiles/-/wikis/uploads/aaf0319d575dc192ea0f4bd6eaf83c08/gaps.png) * [`alacritty`](https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty) - Terminal emulator (GPU accelerated and customizable) -* [`i3`](https://i3wm.org/) - Tiling window manager -* [`polybar`](polybar/README.md) - Easy to customize statusbar -* [`picom`](https://github.com/yshui/picom) - X11 compositor (maintained fork from compton) +* [`wayland`](https://github.com/wayland-project/wayland) - Containing basics for fully functional tiling wayland setup: + * [`river`](https://github.com/riverwm/river) - Tiling window manager for wayland + * [`waybar`](https://github.com/Alexays/Waybar) - Easily customizable statusbar for wayland + * [`bemenu`](https://github.com/Cloudef/bemenu) - Extended dmenu replacement for wayland, X11 and ncurses + * [`fontconfig`] - System-wide font replacements and styling settings * [`git`](git/README.md) - distributed version control system. * [`pass`](pass/README.md) - Password management suite * [`nvim`](https://neovim.io/) - Neovim configuration * [`bibtex`](bibtex/README.md) - LateX/BibteX/pandoc plaintext writing & reference suite * [`qutebrowser`](https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser) - vim-key enabled web browser -* [`rofi`](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi) - Application launcher, dmenu replacement -* [`sxhkd`](sxhkd/README.md) - X11 hotkey manager * [`tmux`](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/) - terminal multiplexer * [`vifm`](https://github.com/vifm/vifm) - vim-like file-manager