#!/usr/bin/env bash readonly dependency=("chriskempson/base16-vim") path="$1" package="$2" theme="$3" permanent="$4" file_exists() { if [[ -f "$1" ]]; then true else false fi } # check for existence of pattern $2 in file $1 line_exists() { local file="$1" local line="$2" if ! file_exists "$file" || ! grep -qe "$line" "$file"; then false else true fi } # prepare newline at eof to make adding newlines easier eol_exists_or_append() { local file="$1" local eof eof=$(tail -c 1 "$file") if [ -n "$eof" ]; then printf "\\n" >>"$file" fi } # append line $2 to file $1 line_exists_or_append() { local file="$1" local line="$2" local new="${3:-$2}" if ! line_exists "$file" "$line"; then eol_exists_or_append "$file" echo "$new" >>"$file" fi } theme_vim() { dbg_msg="VIM: $package - " tfile="$path/$package/colors/base16-$theme.vim" check_tfile if [[ "$permanent" == "true" ]]; then set_vim_theme; fi recolor_vim_w_tmux [[ "$DEBUG" == true ]] && echo "$dbg_msg" } check_tfile() { if ! file_exists "$tfile"; then dbg_msg="$dbg_msg theme $theme for vim not found.\n" exit 1 fi } recolor_vim_w_tmux() { # this whole thing only works when tmux is running pgrep tmux >/dev/null || return while read -r l; do # we need to close panels that are in a mode and get them out to send keys to vim if [ "${l: -1}" = 1 ]; then tmux send-keys -t "${l/:*/}" -X cancel && tmux send-keys -t "${l/:*/}" ":source $tfile" "Enter" else tmux send-keys -t "${l/:*/}" ":source $tfile" "Enter" fi # find all panes which currently have nvim/vim running done < <(tmux list-panes -a -F '#D:#T:#{pane_current_command}:#{pane_in_mode}' | grep ':VIM:\|:nvim:') } set_vim_theme() { local vim_dirs="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-/$HOME/.config}/nvim $HOME/.vim" for vim_dir in $vim_dirs; do if [[ -d "$vim_dir" ]]; then cat "$tfile" >"$vim_dir/colorscheme.vim" echo "colorscheme base16-$theme" >>"$vim_dir/colorscheme.vim" call_from_vim_init "$vim_dir" dbg_msg="$dbg_msg Set theme $theme\n" fi done } # make sure we're calling our new colorscheme whenever starting vim call_from_vim_init() { local vim_dir="$1" if file_exists "$vim_dir/init.vim"; then line_exists_or_append "$vim_dir/init.vim" "runtime colorscheme.vim" elif file_exists "$HOME/.vimrc"; then line_exists_or_append "$HOME/.vimrc" "runtime colorscheme.vim" fi } # Check deps if printf '%s\n' "${dependency[@]}" | grep -q -P "^$package$"; then theme_vim else printf "Processor does not work for %s, please use another." "$package" fi