#!/usr/bin/env bash
readonly dependency=("khamer/base16-dunst")
readonly app="dunst"
# Alacritty does not support including other files into
# its configuration yet. As such, this processor needs to
# change the user's configuration file *itself*.
# This will generally not be a problem, though it can lead
# to corrupted configurations in exceptional circumstances
# (such as every line being preceded by the process control
# regex, for whatever reason).
# In general, the processor looks for a specific line in the
# following format:
# '# Base16 [theme name] - alacritty color config'
# from which it will delete everything until it finds a line:
# '# Base16End [theme name] - alacritty color config'
# So, if you don't want to lose anything -
# Do NOT put anything important between those two lines.



## Main Entrypoint
#  Finds the right theme template file and starts theme
#  switching and, if necessary, permanent setting processes.
main() {
  dbg_msg $app "Starting Processor"

  if ! file_exists "$tfile"; then
    dbg_msg $app "error" "Theme template $theme not found in package $package"
    exit 1

  if [ ! -f "$dunst_conf" ]; then
    dbg_msg $app "error" "$app config file not found. Please make sure file exists: $dunst_conf"

  if [[ "$permanent" == "true" ]]; then save; fi

  dbg_msg $app "Processor Done"

## Theme setter
#  Takes care of permanently writing the desired
#  base16 theme into application settings.
save() {
  dbg_msg $app "Saving theme"

  startline="$(grep -ne '^# Base16 .*- dunst color config$' "$dunst_conf" | cut -f1 -d:)"
  endline="$(grep -ne '^# Base16End .*- dunst color config$' "$dunst_conf" | cut -f1 -d:)"

  echo "" >"$tmpfile"
  echo "" >"$tmptheme"

  if [[ -n "$startline" && -z "$endline" ]] || [[ -z "$startline" && -n "$endline" ]] || [[ "$startline" -gt "$endline" ]]; then
    dbg_msg $app "error" "Base 16 Pattern not correctly recognized in file: $dunst_conf. Please make sure pattern begins with # Base16 and ends with # Base16End and only exists once in the file. No changes to file made."
    cat "$dunst_conf" >"$tmpfile" || exit 1

  elif [[ -z "$startline" && -z "$endline" ]]; then
    dbg_msg $app "warn" "No previous Base16 pattern found in file: $dunst_conf. If this is your first time running the processor, ignore this warning."
    cat "$dunst_conf" >"$tmpfile" || exit 1

    # remove old lines of any base16 theme
    sed -e "$startline,$endline d" "$dunst_conf" >"$tmpfile" || exit 1


  # fix template theme name key for easier inclusion
  echo "# Base16 $theme - dunst color config" >"$tmptheme"
  cat "$tfile" >>"$tmptheme" || exit 1
  echo "# Base16End $theme - dunst color config" >>"$tmptheme"

  # combine both into final config file
  # replace original file with new colorscheme-added version

  cat "$tmpfile" "$tmptheme" >"$dunst_conf"

  [ -f "$tmptheme" ] && rm "$tmptheme"
  [ -f "$tmpfile" ] && rm "$tmpfile"

  dbg_msg $app "Saved theme to $dunst_conf"


save_post() {
  pkill dunst
  dunst &

# Safe sourcing: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12694189
if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi
# shellcheck source=utilities.sh
. "$DIR/utilities.sh"
## Dependency Checker
#  Makes sure the processor is called for the correct
#  base16 package, or refuses to run if it is not.
if printf '%s\n' "${dependency[@]}" | grep -q -P "^$package$"; then
  dbg_msg $app "error" "Processor does not work for package $package"