#!/usr/bin/env bash readonly dependency=("chriskempson/base16-vim") readonly app="vim" readonly path="$1" readonly package="$2" readonly theme="$3" readonly permanent="$4" ## Main Entrypoint # # Finds the right theme template file and starts theme # switching and, if necessary, permanent setting processes. main() { dbg_msg $app "Starting Processor" tfile="$path/$package/colors/base16-$theme.vim" if ! file_exists "$tfile"; then dbg_msg $app "error" "Theme template $theme not found in package $package" exit 1 fi if [[ "$permanent" == "true" ]]; then save; fi theme dbg_msg $app "Processor Done" } ## Theme switcher # # Makes sure that if any application instance is # currently running, it switches to new theme. theme() { dbg_msg $app "Switching theme" # this whole thing only works when tmux is running pgrep tmux >/dev/null || { dbg_msg $app "warn" "No instance of tmux running, can not dynamically re-theme vim" return } while read -r l; do # we need to close panels that are in a mode and get them out to send keys to vim if [ "${l: -1}" = 1 ]; then tmux send-keys -t "${l/:*/}" -X cancel && tmux send-keys -t "${l/:*/}" ":source $tfile" "Enter" else tmux send-keys -t "${l/:*/}" ":source $tfile" "Enter" fi # find all panes which currently have nvim/vim running done < <(tmux list-panes -a -F '#D:#T:#{pane_current_command}:#{pane_in_mode}' | grep ':VIM:\|:nvim:') dbg_msg $app "Successfully switched theme" } ## Theme setter # # Takes care of permanently writing the desired # base16 theme into application settings. save() { dbg_msg $app "Saving theme" local vim_dirs="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-/$HOME/.config}/nvim $HOME/.vim" for vim_dir in $vim_dirs; do if [[ -d "$vim_dir" ]]; then cat "$tfile" >"$vim_dir/colorscheme.vim" echo "colorscheme base16-$theme" >>"$vim_dir/colorscheme.vim" dbg_msg $app "Saved theme to $vim_dir/colorscheme.vim" include "$vim_dir" else dbg_msg $app "warn" "No configuration directory found" fi done } ## Theme includer # # Makes sure that theme is actually included in # default application startup routine. # This is the most invasive step of theming since it # rewrites within existing configuration files. include() { local vim_dir="$1" dbg_msg $app "Including theme in configuration" if file_exists "$vim_dir/init.vim"; then line_exists_or_append "$vim_dir/init.vim" "runtime colorscheme.vim" dbg_msg $app "Successfully included theme in configuration" elif file_exists "$HOME/.vimrc"; then line_exists_or_append "$HOME/.vimrc" "runtime colorscheme.vim" dbg_msg $app "Successfully included theme in configuration" else dbg_msg $app "warn" "No default configuration file found" fi } ## Dependency Checker # # Makes sure the processor is called for the correct # base16 package, or refuses to run if it is not. if printf '%s\n' "${dependency[@]}" | grep -q -P "^$package$"; then # Safe sourcing: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12694189 DIR="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi # shellcheck source=utilities.sh . "$DIR/utilities.sh" main else dbg_msg $app "error" "Processor does not work for package $package" fi